Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Future of Digital Marketing

Hi all! 
I want to tell you about the seminar of General Lecture 2020

Tuesday, 18 February 2020
09.00-11.40 a.m
At Graha William Soeryadjaya, Indonesian Christian University, Cawang, East Jakarta
Moderator is Susanne A.H. Sitohang, S.S.,M.A.
Speaker is Gary Noble as a Associate Professor. Faculty of Business, University of Wollongong, Australia

The program opened with prayer, Singing Indonesia Raya, Opening speech, There is a dance from Betawi "Lenggang Nyai"

Dr. Gary Noble explained about digital marketing from 1990.
Term first started appearing in the 1990s - 30 years ago.
A brief look back at digital marketing 2000s.

Central to all marketing now is three key elements :
1. Transparency 
2. Personalization.
3. Agile marketing/speedy.

We need to study digital because it is very important for the future.  Make it easier for everyday life.

These are the photos at the seminar:

That's all from me. Thank you for reading my first blog.