Monday, January 31, 2022

Learning & Development

Vocabulary is important. With more vocabulary, there will be more comprehension, and there will be more acquisition. In giving input, in talking to students, the teacher needs to be concerned primarily with whether the students understand the message.

Teachers of Young Learners:

  • Instruction (To provide developmentally appropriate instruction)
  • Aware (Be aware of children’s basic physical and psychological needs)
  • Jobs (To provide care and to provide interesting content.)
  • Educational Experiences (Meet the developmental stages of the individual child)
  • Challenge (Give them some challenge to know about their knowledge of language learning).

Principles to Teach Young Learners:

  1. Build teaching around physical activity and movement
  2. Build lessons around themes
  3. Give some interesting activities to do
  4. Choose content that kids know
Ssource: Teaching Young Language Learners (Second Edition). Annamaria Pinter. Oxford University Press 2017

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