Sunday, January 30, 2022

Teaching Reading and Writing

Teaching reading is the process of giving lessons and giving instructions to students so that students can understand the message from the author through written language or medium of words.

The importance of teaching reading: young learners should be taught to read many types of books from an early age. Reading leads to good writing. Reading can build confidence and language proficiency.

Approach to teaching reading: phonic approach, whole word approach, language experience approach

Activities for young learners: decoding games, word search bingo, word families.

Teaching writing is providing information and instructions systematically about how to express ideas and feelings through writing instruments.

The importance of teaching writing: Can train the ability of young learners in thinking, Imagination is well developed, young learners can know and understand more vocabulary.

Approach to teaching writing: pragmatic approach, rhetorical approach, critical approach, expressive approach.

Activities for young learners: story chains, picture description, cards and letters.

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