Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Cross Cultural Understanding - STEREOTYPE


What do you think is happening here?

Debbie : You’re more than just brother and sister, aren’t you?

Maria : Yes, we’re twins. I was born first, my brother came few minutes later. My mom says it’s because I’m a girl, and girls should go first.

Mario : I let her go first. Italian boys are always polite.

Debbie : Ok.. now I have a riddle for you both to solve.

Mario : I love riddles!

Debbie : A boy and his father were badly injured in an accident. The child needed an immediate operation. He was wheeled into the operating room. The surgeon entered and said, “ Sorry, I cant operate this child. He is my son”. So, who is the surgeon?

Maria : How can that be? Didn’t you say that the father also badly injured?

Debbie : Yes. Badly injured.

Mario : Maybe the surgeon was his step father.

Debbie : Nice try, but that’s not it.

Mario : Well, I give up.

Debbie : What are you both assuming that is keeping you from solving this riddle?

Discuss it!

1. What are the examples of stereotype in the dialogue?

The examples of stereotype in the dialogue are "girls should go first" and "Italian boys are always polite"

2. What is Mario and Maria assuming related to the story?

Maria and Mario assume that the surgeon is the stepfather. but their assumptions are wrong.

3. What is the answer of the riddle?

The answer is the surgeon is the boy's mother.


In a group of 4, choose a novel or a movie. Enlist and explain the samples of stereotype in it. It can be gender, race, nationality, and other kinds of stereotypes!

Through a film called "Brave" there are gender stereotypes in the film. Merida is the daughter of the king and queen of Scotland. Merida is very good at archery and horse riding. Merida has a brave, agile, and rebellious nature. In this film, Merida is a woman who is different from other women who have a gentle and obedient nature.

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